Grades and Units Information

Below you’ll find information about grades, Professional Development Units (PDUs) and Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Professional Education Courses

Satisfactory - S (Satisfactory) is the only grade bestowed by Stanford Center for Professional Development for professional education courses and is therefore the highest achievable grade for a professional education course.

Credit Bearing Courses

See Axess - Grades for credit bearing courses are tracked centrally by Stanford University in Axess.

Note: Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Stanford Online credentials do not confer Stanford University credit.

Continuing Education Units

One Continuing Education Unit, or CEU, is granted for every 10 hours of instructional time. This includes time spent performing learning activities (e.g., assessments, evaluations, final projects, etc.) needed to successfully complete all course requirements. CEUs cannot be applied to any Stanford degree. Applicability of CEUs at other institutions is dependent on their individual policies.

Professional Development Units

The Stanford Center for Professional Development is a registered education provider of the Project Management Institute (Provider #1963). Please use the Project Management Institute codes below to claim PDUs at for eligible completed courses:

XINE110 1963FAMPKS Innovation Strategy: How to Find Inspiration Models
XINE214 19633LUCH7 Empathize and Prototype: A Hands on Dive into the Key Tools of Design
XINE217 1963PR8K0U Power of Stories to Fuel Innovation
XINE226 196373HVG7 Leading Collaborative Teams
XINE229 19632E6ZBJ Leading Innovation
XINE232 1963ZYEGJ4 Scaling Excellence: How You Can Help Make it Happen
XINE235 1963R7X2FY Demand Creation: The Secrets of Driving Growth (Retired March 2021)
XINE241 1963POLVVI Innovating Through Value Chains (Retired June 2020)
XINE242 1963952UIT Building Company Culture
XINE246 19636NH7PA Simple Rules for Strategy Driven Innovation
XINE249 1963OTEL1D Building Business Models
XINE251 1963375ERZ Financing Innovation: Valuing Projects and Firms (Retired March 2021)
XINE254 1963R664YB Product Marketing Essentials (Retired March 2021)
XINE257 1963EO0L4Y Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Mindset
XINE260 1963UCNMSV Negotiation: How to Get (More of) What You Want
XDGT100 1963MW6O4V Foundations for Digital Transformation
XDGT110 1963SG86YW The Industrialist’s Dilemma: How to Adapt to a Changing Landscape
XDGT111 19638T2R1H Systems Leadership: Managing Uncertainty in the Digital Age
XDGT121 19635GS68G Rethinking Teams: Designing for the Modern Workforce
XDGT210 1963YM2383 Transforming the User Experience through Artificial Intelligence
XDGT211 1963GD6KHT Work Smarter with Crowdsourcing
XDGT212 1963B1BLOH Turn Data into Insights with Predictive Modeling
XDGT222 196371KC51 Data-Driven Storytelling: From Evidence to Impact (Retired December 2021)
XDGT223 1963KKYGDE Build a Product Platform Strategy to Accelerate Growth
XPRODMGT110 1963GOUV09 Product Management: Transforming Opportunities into Great Products